Healme’s Moxibustion treatment

Best Moxibustion Therapy in Eastern Suburbs Melbourne

Moxibustion might be an effective solution when looking for a drug-free alternative remedy for cold, fever, or abdominal pain. Based on traditional Chinese medicine, this therapy can stimulate energy flow in your body. Thus, it may help strengthen blood circulation and address various ailments. So, if you want to experience the therapeutic benefits of Moxa, you’ve come to the right place. HealMe brings this service to Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, strongly committed to improving our patients’ health and vitality.

The skilled practitioners at our clinic understand this treatment’s ability to promote balance within the body. That’s why, we determine the most appropriate way to use moxa therapy for our patients in Eastern Suburbs Melbourne. Subsequently, our professionals helped many regain their optimal health conditions. As each body is unique, our personalised services cater to the specific needs of everyone. Rest assured, we develop the best possible treatment plan for individual concerns, helping them reconnect with their healthier self.

What is Moxibustion?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners have been using the moxa procedure for thousands of years. It involves the use of moxibustion mugwort, a plant that is dried and converted into cones. The practitioners then put these sticks on or above the skin and burn them. According to ancient healers, this treatment harnesses the power of heat to promote healing. They trust that it stimulates the flow of “qi” (our body’s energy) and balances it to fight off various viruses.

How Does Moxa Therapy Help Enhance Our Well-being?

Chinese moxibustion is a type of heat therapy. During the treatment, an expert places a mugwort cone on or near the body’s acupuncture points. It is then lit until the fire burns out. The practitioners believe that the resulting heat invigorates meridian points and improves the energy (qi) flow in the body. With increased qi circulation, this therapy can help in many areas, like:

  • Lowering blood pressure

  • Eliminating muscle spasms

  • Boosting our body’s anti-inflammatory effects

  • Protecting the liver

  • Reducing stress

  • Relieving digestive issues

  • Supporting fertility

  • Treating and preventing malaria

Types of Moxibustion Techniques

At HealMe, we use several ways to perform Chinese moxibustion therapy. They involve direct or indirect methods. Depending upon individual health conditions and skin sensitivity, our experts devise a suitable treatment plan. Take a look at all the approaches we take to help improve our patient’s health:

  • Direct Moxibustion :

    In this process, our practitioner burns a small pile of dried mugwort directly on the skin. This may cause blistering or scarring of the skin. Hence, we do not use direct moxibustion treatment on sensitive parts like the face, breasts, major tendons, genitals, etc. Nonetheless, there are two ways to perform this technique:

    • Non-scarring Direct Moxibustion :

      In this procedure, the burning mugwort cone is left on the acupoint for not too long. The practitioner removes the herb before the skin burns enough to scar.

    • Scarring Direct Moxa Treatment :

      As the name suggests, this method causes scars on the skin. An ignited moxa is kept on the acupuncture point or affected area until the skin blisters. When it heals, it leaves scar marks.

  • Indirect Moxibustion :

    The safest option as it does not involve burning the pure moxa rolls for moxibustion against the skin. As a result, it causes no scars. Instead, our expert uses any of the following processes:

    • Moxa Stick or Pole:

      The specialist holds or waves a burning moxa stick over selected acupuncture points. The pole is kept on the area for a few minutes until it turns a pinkish colour.

    • Moxa Box or Holder :

      It’s super easy to use. In this method, we insert and ignite the dried mugwort plant into the holder. The box’s height and temperature are maintained accordingly.

  • Warm Needle Moxibustion :

    This technique can also be used with acupuncture therapy. Our expert places and ignites the moxa on acupuncture needles, which burns until extinguished. Consecutively, the heat reaches the acupoint via the needle, aiding the affected region to heal.

  • Smokeless Moxibustion :

    Another uncommon practice is the use of moxa sticks that are carbonised and odourless. We employ this technique if the patient is allergic to smoke.

  • Partitioned Moxibustion :

    In the herb-partition moxa treatment (HPM), we put a piece of herb formula on the acupuncture point. Then, a moxibustion tube is burned on the piece.

What Conditions Can Moxibustion Help With?

Our Chinese medicine moxibustion in Eastern Suburbs Melbourne can aid individuals dealing with various health problems. This heat treatment can dilate blood vessels, increase blood flow, and relax muscles. Some of the specific health issues that the process may help alleviate include:

  • Digestive Disorders :

    One of the major moxa therapy benefits is it may help relieve problems in the digestive system. Such as irritable bowel syndrome and acid reflux.

  • Body Pain :

    It can also help with chronic pain caused due to migraine, arthritis, fibromyalgia, etc. Moreover, many individuals have also experienced pain relief from severe headaches, sports injuries, and nerve or joint damage.

  • Respiratory Problems :

    Moxibustion treatment is considered appropriate for helping with chronic lung diseases like allergic rhinitis, asthma, etc.

  • Improper Immune System Function :

    The anti-inflammatory effect of moxa may improve your body’s immunity. Plus, it can also help increase the immune system’s ability to detect disease-causing elements and fight against them.

  • Gynaecological Conditions :

    Practitioners believe that Moxibustion offers warmth to the uterus, providing adequate nourishment to a fertilised egg. Besides, it has shown promising results for a variety of gynaecological health issues, including helping reduce period cramps.

  • Stress and Anxiety :

    Our effective moxibustion mugwort therapy can help with anxiety, depression, insomnia, and stress.

Why Choose Us for Moxibustion in Eastern Suburbs Melbourne?

Moxa therapy is generally safe when skilled professionals conduct the procedure. Otherwise, it can pose a risk to your health. HealMe is a reputable clinic, where practitioners have conducted this technique for years. Plus, we offer a holistic approach to help patients revitalise their body’s natural healing capabilities. The reasons that set us apart:

  • Trained practitioners

  • Extensive knowledge

  • Highly experienced

  • Thorough assessment before any treatment

  • Competitive rates

  • Superior healing outcomes

  • Wide range of services

Contact Our Moxibustion Practitioner Today!

Are you ready to experience the transformative benefits of Chinese Moxibustion in Eastern Suburbs Melbourne? If so, call us on 03 9686 6686 or 0468 837 286 to book an appointment today. You can also email us at healmecenter@gmail.com.


Based on ancient Chinese medicine therapy, Moxibustion involves burning dried mugwort on the affected area. As a result, it can help improve blood circulation, detoxification, and with many health conditions.

Yes, moxa therapy is safe if conducted by a trained professional. It should be exercised with caution. However, its direct application can cause side effects like blisters, burns, or allergic reactions. We do not recommend this treatment if you’re dealing with any of the following underlying medical conditions:

  • Lymphedema
  • Active skin conditions like dermatitis or eczema
  • Low platelet counts
  • High fever

Each patient is unique in terms of their needs, health conditions, and sensitivity to moxibustion treatment. Hence, the number of sessions they’ll require will depend on these factors. Some individuals may experience results in 4-5 appointments, while others may take 3-6 months of active treatment. Call us on 03 9686 6686 or 0468 837 286 to know more details.

During direct moxa therapy, the practitioner places cones made of mugwort herb onto specific acupuncture points. Then, they are lit, allowing them to burn slowly, releasing smoke. It can also cause blisters and scars on your skin. If you opt for indirect moxibustion, we use different tools to perform the therapy like holders, sticks, needles, etc.

Yes. The trained professionals at HealMe use moxa treatment either as a standalone method or by combining it with acupuncture.

The rates for Chinese medicine moxibustion will depend on various factors. For one, the method you choose, direct or indirect. It also depends upon your health condition and the sessions it’ll take for your body to heal. Get in touch with us to know about our treatment plans.

No, there is no age restriction for getting a moxibustion treatment. However, under 18 young kids can only get this therapy under the consent and supervision of their guardian.

Yes, you can try indirect moxa therapy on your own. However, it would be safer if you allowed a practitioner to give a demonstration first. We do not recommend individuals attempt direct moxibustions as it involves a few risks. One can easily burn themselves using this technique.

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